Falkirk business

113 people live in Falkirk. Falkirk covers the area of 156000 sq.miles. There are four thousand two hundred and sixty-one active companies have been registered in Falkirk. At the moment there are two hundred and three not active business entities registered in Falkirk. In 2015: the total assets of all businesses operating in Falkirk were £0k. The total cash of all companies working in the county were £0.2k. The liabilities of all businesses were £0k in 2015. In 2016 the total assets of all businesses registered in Falkirk were £12716.43k. The total cash of all companies registered in the county were £4074.87k. The liabilities of all businesses were £4534.6k.

Falkirk FK6 5EN, FK1 1JB, FK3 8ZE, FK2 7ES